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Purchase Gems and spin Platinum Battle Lotteries to get reward!

Greeting Ninjas. This is IZANAGI ONLINE Team.

After the regular maintenance on June 18, 2015, if you purchase Gems and spin Platinum Battle Lotteries, you'll get 5 Gems as reward!

Campaign Summary
During the campaign, if you purchase 15 Gems or more and spin Platinum Battle Lotteries 3 times or more total, you'll get 5 Gems as reward!

Target Lottery
Platinum Lottery (Lv26-Lv40)
Platinum Lottery (Lv43-Lv70)

Campaign Period
June 18, 2015 after regular maintenance until June 25, 2015 before the regular maintenance.

Gift Distribution Date
After June 25, 2015 regular maintenance, in-game mail will be sent to players who have fulfilled the condition.

Concurrent Campaign
Until June 25, 2015 regular maintenance,this campaign is happening concurrently!

We hope you take the advantage of this opportunity!

*Free Lottery, Item Jackpot Lottery, Beginner Lottery, Platinum Lottery (Lv26-Lv40), Platinum Lottery (Lv43-Lv70) and each Avatar Lottery are excluded from this campaign.
*Gem purchase and Lottery spins that were done outside of the campaign period will not to be accumulated.
*Gem distributions from Monthly Tickets are not included in this campaign.
*The content of this campaign is subject to change or revision without notice.

Thank you for your continuous support.