From the Civilization Charter, strict rules lay down in the Fifth Continent.
Due to the rapid increase of monsters, people's life fields became overwhelmingly narrowed.
Ones that can use ninjutsu, known as ninjas that were working secretly in the underworld, are now called on for the mainstream jobs such as carrying goods, securing VIPs, and defeating monsters.
With the top leaders of ninjas called the Great Four (G4), the ninjas are now sent off to each land.
To prepare for the upcoming battles with monsters in the far away land not yet known, the ninjas were focusing on with their training.
Trick enemies with attacks, speed and skills. Special Action: Dodge.
Attack enemies with destructive Ninjutsu. Special Action: Charge.
Heals teammates' LIFE Special Action: Barrier.
Tough as a tank. Secure teammates' safety by taking enemys' attacks. Special Action: Guard.
■Yamiton Shadowbind
Summon shadows from the ground and inflict [Stop] against enemies. This gives great opportunity to use advanced skills.
■Burst Trap
Set a trap that will explode in a period of time. If hit, it can cause targets to [Fall]. Inflicts large amount of damage, but you must time it right.
■Eagle Stomp
Assassin's advanced skill. Major damage will be inflicted if targets have [Fall].